ABN has 1-3 internship positions open.
Compensation: None. Internship is completely volunteer, with a minimum commitment of 3 months.
Location: This is a remote position. ABN Is located in Alameda California.
Term: Minimum 3 month commitment
Qualifications: Priority will go to basketball playing students or Business – Marketing students who can receive university credit while building up their resume with an international basketball company.
Experience necessary: None, but first priority will be given to those who can. Multiple candidates welcome
Software Tools:
- Explainer/video software platforms are purchased and available for your use ( doodly, viddyoze, annimaker)
- You will be able to train and learn to make great presentation videos
- WordPress is used on the main website
Principle objectives:
- Create “Explainer videos and GIF posts for Social Media distribution
- Increase followers on Facebook , Linked In, Instagram, and Twitter
- Update posts and content on ABN website
- Survey SEO of Website and develop SEO backlinks and relationships with other websites
Secondary objective:
- Website updating and maintainence
- SMM campaign development
Bonus: always possible… hard work earns rewards
Application process:
Please respond to jobs@assistbasketballnetwork.com with subject heading “INTERNSHIP”
A nice cover letter with background is all that is necessary. Interesting applicants will have a brief video interview